03 Jun

In India as well as all over the world, MBBS is considered as one of the best professions. Study MBBS and becoming a doctor – it’s a dream for many and only a few can make it come true!

There are very few MBBS seats available across Indian medical colleges and there are more than 14 lakh students who appear in NEET entrance tests every year. This implies that every year, only few of the students aspiring to become doctors are able to accomplish their goals. What about the others students? Well, all hope is not lost for them as these aspiring doctors can now pursue their MBBS dreams abroad, that too at reasonable fee structures compared to private colleges in India. Pursuing MBBS abroad in 2023-24 has become easier and comfortable than ever before with added benefits such as below

Affordable costs: There are many top medical universities abroad in countries like Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan etc. that offer medical courses at affordable costs. The total fee required includes the hostel fees with food expenses and the tuition fees. Thus, many Indian students prefer to move abroad for higher medical education. Also, paying high tuition fees and donations is not a cup of tea for most of the parents in India, so choosing to study MBBS abroad is the best option for students looking forward to studying medicine at affordable cost.

Direct Admissions: The admissions process for MBBS abroad or any other medical courses overseas are very easy and simple. Students need not attend any university entrance test like in India. Once they qualify the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), they can be admitted to the university abroad. 

No Donations: Medical colleges abroad do not take any kind of extra fees or donation for MBBS course admission. The admission only depends on the student’s NEET Score and other academic eligibility criteria. 

Advanced Learning Techniques: Universities abroad provide high-quality education and are equipped with modern technologies, modern infrastructures, and fully stocked libraries that provide advanced course and related study materials for the students. These help students in facilitating the learning process of the course with comfort for students. For MBBS abroad in Russia or such other countries more focus is on practical training. 

Language of Instruction: Medical universities abroad use the English language as a language of instruction for international students. Thus, helping the students to learn and increase their interest in studying their subjects and they will feel comfortable.

Global career opportunity: Students who study MBBS abroad from NMC and WHO approved universities get good opportunities to apply for jobs in any part of the Globe. They are awarded with degree which is valid anywhere in the world and can practice in countries abroad by qualifying their eligibility criteria. 

Affordable Hostel Facilities: Hostels are provided for all international students in universities abroad. Most of the hostels to study medicine abroad have fully furnished rooms with facilities such as internet facilities, water heater, centralized heating system, good food, and other facilities like gyms, swimming pools, etc. 

Student Life: The overseas medical students pursuing MBBS abroad and other medical courses are provided with good facilities on the university campus. Cultural activities of different countries are usually a part of their curriculum so that students from different countries of the world participate and learn new things with the study. Adapting to the customs and traditions of different communities and different countries enriches the lifestyle of students with various lifetime experiences.

Having explained all of the above, when it’s time for a young medical aspirant to choose a university and country abroad for studying MBBS, students may have many questions that need answers such as, which country and University do I choose? How good are the academic focus, infrastructure, and the research opportunities at that particular University abroad? Will I have a good campus life or not? Will I get to practice in the best hospitals? And many more such questions.

Students must be assured of such thoughts and hence before MBBS admission abroad they should gather all the information available before taking any decision. They can consult one of the top MBBS abroad consultants for advice and to make other admission procedure easy for them.

To get more information about courses offered and universities for MBBS abroad in 2023-24, contact India’s one of the best MBBS Overseas consultants. Email your query at info@avglobaloverseas.com or call at +918530490888.

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